Dental Hygiene

Career and Technical Studies
Associate of Applied Science in Dental Hygiene
Five-semester (two-year program)

The two-year program is designed to prepare the student as a skilled, 受过良好教育的医疗保健提供者,具备必要的知识和技能,成为牙科健康团队的一员. At the successful completion of the two-year program, 毕业生将有资格参加国家和地区的口腔卫生考试,从而获得注册牙科卫生员的执照.

Program goals:

At the completion of the dental hygiene program students will be able to:

  1. Exhibit the highest level of professionalism.
  2. Deliver high quality patient care by the use of sound judgment, critical thinking skills, and evidence based decision making.
  3. 强调牙科保健师作为患者教育者的角色,参与与健康促进和疾病预防有关的社区卫生参与活动.

Program Objectives:

能够满足口腔卫生副学士学位的要求,并促进整体计划的目标, graduates of the Dental Hygiene program at Wytheville Community College will be able to:

  1. Apply didactic information through patient care.
  2. Demonstrate critical thinking through writing, speaking, and listening.
  3. Adhere to the ethical, legal, and professional codes of conduct expected of the dental hygiene practitioner.
  4. Assess, plan, implement, and evaluate oral health community events that provide solutions to access to care and health education.

Program Notes: 

口腔卫生课程由美国牙科协会牙科认证委员会认证, 由高等教育认证委员会和美国教育部认可的专门认证机构.

有重罪或轻罪定罪的个人可能不被允许在弗吉尼亚州持有有效的牙齿卫生许可证.  任何关于执照和重罪/轻罪定罪的问题都应该在申请牙科卫生计划之前咨询弗吉尼亚牙科委员会.  The phone number for the VBOD is (804) 367-4538.

Board Success Rate



Graduate Success on
National Dental Hygiene

Board Examination

Graduate Success on

Clinical Board Examination



201593.3% First Attempt85.7% First Attempt100%
201693.3% First Attempt86.6% First Attempt100%
201790.0% First Attempt80% First Attempt100%
2018100% First Attempt100% First Attempt100%
201993.75% First Attempt93.75% First Attempt100%
202083% First Attempt88.89% First Attempt100%
202194% First Attempt100% First Attempt94%
202285.71% First Attempt78.75% First Attempt100%
2023100% First Attempt85.71% First Attempt100%
Occupational Objectives

A licensed dental hygienist, working under the general supervision of a dentist, may work in general or specialized dental offices, clinics, public health agencies, or teaching institutions.


Minimum Admission Requirements: (Please see the information below concerning selective admission.)

Applicants must be high school graduates or the equivalent. In order to meet the admission requirements, the applicant must have completed:

  1. A WCC application (including all high school and college transcripts or a copy of GED by March 15.
  2. Complete a Health Professions Application (
  3. Competency in English and Math – MDE 10 as demonstrated through direct enrollment and diagnostic tests, or by satisfactorily completing the required EDE and/or MDE units or the equivalent.
  4. High school biology or equivalent (one unit) with at least “C”.
  5. High school chemistry or equivalent (one unit) with at least “C”.
  6. A 2.5 average for high school courses or a 2.5 cumulative average for all college coursework.
  7. Shadowing hours; 16 observation hours to be completed by March 15.
  8. Take the Testing Essential Academic Skills for Allied Health (TEAS-AH) by March 15.
  9. It is highly encouraged these courses be completed before entering dental hygiene program; BIO 141BIO 142, and BIO 150.

Note:  All application materials should be sent to the WCC Admissions Office by March 15.

**如果学生完成了至少12个包括在计算大学GPA的大学学分(非发展性课程), the 2.5 high school GPA requirement will be waived.

Program Requirements: Upon admission, the student must have a complete medical examination, which must include a 2-step tuberculin skin test, a profile of medical condition, designated immunizations, and documentation of HBV and Varicella status. A chest x-ray is required only if the tuberculin test is positive. Costs for the medical examination and all necessary testing will be the responsibility of the student. 学生必须在每年秋季学期开始之前出示当前CPR认证(医疗保健提供者级别)的证据. During the course of the program, 口腔卫生教师将仔细观察和评估学生是否适合口腔卫生.

接受治疗的患者需要对犯罪史和性犯罪者犯罪进行背景调查,并进行尿液药物检查. 有定罪和/或阳性测试的学生可能被禁止临床实践,可能无法完成课程. 任何在背景调查中有不利发现的学生将被提交给WCC威胁评估小组,以确定该定罪是否禁止该学生被录取. Costs for criminal background checks and urine drug screens will be the responsibility of the student.

Students enrolled in the program are responsible for transportation to and from agencies utilized for clinical experiences; purchase of student uniforms and accessories and purchase of required student instrument kits. Information about projected instruments and program cost is available through the program director.

A minimum of “C” must be maintained in each Dental Hygiene program course. A minimum of “C” must be maintained in BIO 141-BIO 142, Human Anatomy & Physiology, BIO 150, Microbiology, ENG 111, HUM ELE, PSY 230 and SDV 100. Once admitted to the program, students must take and successfully complete all courses in the sequence stated, including non-dental hygiene courses. If unsuccessful in any course, the student will not be allowed to return to the Dental Hygiene program until the following year. The student must demonstrate a desire and capability of providing quality dental health care to patients.

Program Readmission: A student receiving a final grade lower than “C” in any of the dental hygiene (DNH series) BIO 141BIO 142BIO 150ENG 111, HUM ELE, PSY 230 and SDV 100 courses will be ineligible to continue in the program. Students readmitted to the program are eligible to repeat a course, however, a dental hygiene course must be repeated during the semester in which it is offered. The student may not continue with other required dental hygiene courses until the course is repeated. 学生必须符合下列条件,才能继续修读口腔卫生课程:

  1. 在要求的重新入学日期前至少一个学期,以书面形式向牙科卫生项目主任申请允许在“C”以下获得复读.
  2. Have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA at the time of application for readmission.
  3. Interview with dental hygiene faculty to discuss the following subjects:
    1. 可能影响学生顺利完成课程的个人和专业因素;
    2. 学生在课程学习中断后可能从事的学术或专业活动.

重新进入口腔卫生计划取决于所需班级的临床插槽的可用性. 重新被录取的学生负责在他们缺席期间修改的所有课程要求. If a student is unsuccessful and returns to the program, no clinical requirements will be carried over from previous clinical sessions. If the student is unsuccessful after two attempts, the student will no longer be eligible for readmission to the program. After beginning the program, it must be completed within four years. 该计划的重新录取通知将在重新录取日期前三到四周发出.

希望从其他牙科卫生课程转学的学生必须向招生办公室提交正式成绩单以进行学分评估. 学生可能被要求重修课程或完成10年以上学分的评估测试.

Complaints Policy

牙科认证委员会将审查与项目是否符合认证标准有关的投诉. 委员会对牙科及牙科相关教育项目的持续质量和持续改进感兴趣,但不代表个人进行干预,也不作为个人在入学问题上的上诉法院, appointment, promotion or dismissal of faculty, staff or students. Only written, signed complaints will be considered by the Commission; oral and unsigned complaints will not be considered. 委员会强烈鼓励在向委员会提出正式投诉之前,通过项目或赞助机构的内部程序进行非正式或正式的解决. 口腔卫生计划将保留与委员会认证标准和/或政策相关的学生投诉记录. 有关认证标准和/或委员会提交投诉的政策和程序的副本可通过与东芝加哥大道211号委员会联系获得, Chicago, IL 60611 or by calling 1-800-621-8099 extension 4653.


Salary & Job Market Info

Procedures for Selection

Dental Hygiene Clinic Infectious Disease Exposure Control


First Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
BIO 141 3 3 4
DNH 111 2 0 2
DNH 115 3 0 3
DNH 120 2 0 2
DNH 141 3 6 5
SDV 100 1 0 1
Virginias Public Colleges & Universities
Radford University
UNIV 100 elective
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 14 9 17  

Second Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
BIO 142 3 3 4
DNH 130 2 3 3
DNH 142 2 9 5
DNH 145 2 0 2
DNH 146 2 0 2
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 11 15 16  

Summer Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
BIO 150 3 3 4
Virginias Public Colleges & Universities
Virginia Tech
BIOL 2604+2614
Radford University
BIOL 334
Old Dominion University
Virginias Private Colleges & Universities
Bluefield College
Liberty University
BIOL 203
Emory & Henry College
Elective Credit
DNH 143 2 6 4
DNH 214 1 2 2
DNH 150 2 0 2
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 8 11 12  

Third Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
DNH 226 2 0 2
DNH 235 1 2 2
DNH 244 1 12 5
ENG 111 3 0 3
Virginias Public Colleges & Universities
Virginia Tech
ENGL 1105
Radford University
CORE 101
Old Dominion University
Virginias Private Colleges & Universities
Bluefield College
ENG 1013/1023, GEN ED
Liberty University
ENGL 101
Emory & Henry College
ENG 100
DNH 216 2 0 2
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 9 14 14  

Fourth Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
DNH 227 0 3 1
DNH 230 1 0 1
DNH 245 1 12 5
ELE 1 Humanities Elective 3 0 3
PSY 230 3 0 3
Virginias Public Colleges & Universities
Virginia Tech
PSYC 2034
Radford University
PSYC 230
Old Dominion University
Virginias Private Colleges & Universities
Bluefield College
PSY 2043
Liberty University
PSYC 210
Emory & Henry College
Elective Credit
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 8 15 13